Little Milton Photo (no autograph)
Price includes shipping & handling for US mail only.
For International mail, please add $15.00 for shipping and handling.
8 x 10 full color photo of Little Milton
Little Milton in a blue jacket, with eyeglasses, both hands placed on top of guitar (this cropped photo has no autograph)
The image displayed here is cropped and an intentionally poor reproduction for security purposes and for computer use only. However ...
Your photo will not be cropped, it will be the full image, and it will be crystal clear, clean and in full vibrant color!
For International mail, please add $15.00 for shipping and handling.
8 x 10 full color photo of Little Milton
Little Milton in a blue jacket, with eyeglasses, both hands placed on top of guitar (this cropped photo has no autograph)
The image displayed here is cropped and an intentionally poor reproduction for security purposes and for computer use only. However ...
Your photo will not be cropped, it will be the full image, and it will be crystal clear, clean and in full vibrant color!